Postdoctoral in new forms of business control and management
Doctor of Economic Sciences
Prodep profile
Academic body: UAZ-CA-111, sector and regional studies
Research lines: sector studies and socio -economic implications.
Industrialization, Industrial Economy
Teaching Area: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Technological Change, Innovation and Competitiveness, Sector Analysis
PUBLICATIONS:several asymmetries and economic symmetries between Zacatecas and Guanajuato, Indeuthor Registration number: 03-2017-0302105244400-01, March 2, 2017; Journal-International Economy December 2018 Vol.2 No.3 30-38 Mining of Natural Resources in the State of Zacatecas, 2010-2018; Book actors and regions against the neoliberal model in Zacatecas, Ed. Colofón, September 2017, chapter the importance of industrialization in the central-north region of Mexico, ISBN 978-607-8563-66-1, Mexico 2017; Text The agricultural sector in Mexico and Zacatecas, article five relevant aspects for agriculture in Mexico and Zacatecas, 2012-2018, Ed Colfón, 2019, ISBN 978-607-8663-46-0 ,; The Innovations in the Mexican Education in XXI Century, Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, Jassh 4 (3) 25 36 (2018), ISSN 2536201: Book Educational Research on Educational Problems and Society, chapter , ISBN 978-607-9455-82-8, ED JP, September 2018; The mining predation of natural resources in the state of Zacatecas, 2010-2018, Indouthor number 03-2019-030714301700-01, SEP, Mexico, March 21, 2019. Research projects: the industrialization failed in the state of Zacatecas, 2016-2020, with UAZ-2018-37696 registration; The economic importance of foreign direct investment in Mexico and Zacatecas, 2010-2016, with CYP, UAZ-2016-36568 registration, completed in October 2018;
Brief curricular synthesis
CONACYT evaluator
Author of three texts referring to economic issues.
Collaborator of book chapters in 10 texts related to economic science.
Author of scientific articles in international magazines
Author of scientific articles in national magazines.
National and international conferences.
Responsible for research projects with economic impact in the state of Zacatecas.